Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Vastu Shastra Tips for Boss’s Cabin - Direction and Sitting

Vastu for Boss’s cabin

As per the Vastu, if you need to get successful in your business or job, one of the most vital facts into consideration should be the Vastu Shastra for Boss’s cabin in office and everything related with it such as the location, direction, color, etc.

To start with let us look at the seating arrangements of employees at various levels in the office. There are various branches like finance, accounts, audit, production, dispatch and numerous other departments and sub-departments.

Each department has various heads which have different roles and responsibilities. Let us would discuss the seating positions of all the department heads irrespective of whatever the department.

The people covered under this head include:
  1. Managing Director
  2. Director
  3. Chief Operating Officer
  4. Department Heads

Tips for the boss's cabin as per Vastu

  • The south direction according to Vaastu Shastra is the direction associated with name, fame, popularity of the person. Especially the reputation of a person has a lot to do with the south direction.
  • As the head of any organization, the boss’s cabin should in the south direction of the office. This is where the leader of the organization should be seated.
  • If the south portion has some disputes, then south-west can be the second-best position for the department head. The seating of the mid-level and junior level employees should not be in this direction.
  • If the MD is not present in the office, so the COO or the Director, none should be allowed to sit on his/her seat.
  • Basic Vastu Shastra principle should be followed while making important decisions the MD should avoid sitting near a table with sharp or expanded designs. It is a fact that sharp and negative vibrations are emitted by sharp or pointed designs.
  • Another important thing to keep in mind is the furniture of the boss should be checked from time to time and ensure that there are no broken or cuts, the chair should be intact, and rotting and changing of the furniture should be properly checked.
  • The cabin of the head should have a good equilibrium of colours and shapes. This is one of the very vital aspects. The room should be a blend of light and bright colours. For example, a bright painting on a light coloured wall. The boss’s cabin should have a mix of round and square objects like clocks, table, paintings, etc.

Things to remember

  1. Room of office/business owner should be in south-west direction and he or she should sit facing north.
  2. Do not place temple or idols behind the Boss’s seat.
  3. There should be a concrete wall behind the boss’s seat and not any glass structure. His or her desk should be rectangular.
  4. While taking important decisions the MD should never sit near a table that has sharp or protruding designs. It is assumed that sharp and negative vibrations are released by sharp or pointed designs.
  5. Lastly, the room of the MD should have the right blend of green leafy plants. This plants will help a lot in absorbing all negative energies. These plants are responsible to take away negativity, besides these flowers spread greenery which is calming for the eyes and help a lot in soothing the minds too

Monday, August 5, 2019

Basic Vastu Facts To Be Considered While Buying The Plot of Land

Tips When Buying Plot Of Land

If you are planning to buy a plot, keep in mind the below-mentioned Vastu facts before buying the plot. A plot selected on the bases of the following Vastu Shastra will bring in prosperity, happiness, affluence, and health to the residents. Vastu helps in maintaining balance, symmetry, and harmony in construction.

Basic Vastu factors to be considered while buying the plot of land

Following are the Basic Vastu Shastra Principles be kept in mind while selecting a plot:
  1. Surrounding of the plot: The plot you select should be fertile. There should be greenery on the land. Avoid plots which have temple, school, hospital, cemetery or graveyard adjacent anywhere near the plot. Also, avoid if the plot is situated between two larger plots. Any kind of hole which can be in the form of a valley or big pit should be avoided as it is inauspicious.
  2. Level of Land: A leveled land is considered ideal for buying a plot for building a house. An uneven and rocky land is considered inauspicious. Also if the south and west part of the plot is higher than north or east, it brings good luck. Also, keep in mind the Vital Five Elements of Vastu Shastra to be included in the construction of the house.
  3. Roads around the plot: An ideal plot should be surrounded by road on all four sides and best fit as per Vastu. Any plot at the dead-end of the road is not appropriate for construction. Though, if the road connects with the width of the plot then it is suitable.
  4. Tips for buying land-: A plot should be of square or rectangular shape, as they bring good luck for the residents. As per the Vastu square shape is considered the best. The four sides of the plot should be toward four main directions. It is advised not to buy irregularly shaped plots as they are inauspicious. T, Y, and L shaped plot are considered unsuitable. However, if the plot is of uneven shape, you can create perfect geometry inside the plot called Vastu fence.
  5. Obstruction to the plot: Plots having tall buildings on the north, north-east or east sides should not be purchased. Plots with obstruction in front e.g. pillars, big tree, and post and well should be avoided.
  6. Color of the soil: Yellow color of the soil is auspicious as it signifies an increase in wealth. Red and white soil is also considered good. Black or clay soil is not good.
  7. The direction of the plot: In which direction the plot faces are also very important. For the construction of house east and north facing plots are appropriate. Different directions faced by the plot is good for people in different fields.
  8. Retraction or cuts in the plot: Any retraction or cuts in any corner of the plot is considered inauspicious. To minimize bad effects, a wall should be constructed to provide a rectangular or square shape to the plot. Otherwise, it will affect the people residing in that building.
  9. Extensions in the plot: A plot having natural extension toward the northeast is very auspicious. It brings health and prosperity. Extension on any other side is not good. Avoid carrying out an extension in south, west, south-west, south-east or north-west side of your plot.

As it is popularly said that if the foundation is strong it will have a stronger structure, so it is very important to follow the Basic Principles of Vastu Shastra in all aspects even when constructing the house.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Basic Principles of Vaastu Shastra - Important Tips By Expert

Introduction to Vastu Shastra

Vaastu is an integral part of our daily lives as this deals with most of the structure where we spend our daily life in be it our home, office or any other building. Vastu is one of the earliest Indian science of creating architecture for any kind of buildings which benefits in making a pleasant setting or a place to live and work in a most authentic and scientific way, it takes advantages given by nature, its major five elements and energy fields for enhanced wealth, health, prosperity, and happiness.

Vastu Shastra combined efforts of science, art, astronomy, and astrology, it can be termed as an ancient mystical science for designing and building. Vastu Shastra enhances our lives and makes it better and secure from things going wrong.

What is Vastu Shastra

Vaastu is majorly the science of directions that includes all the five elements of nature and creates the perfect balance among them which includes the man and the material. Vaastu Shastra is all about creating a friendly setting or a place to live or work, in this scientific method, it takes advantages of the benefits of the five elements called "Paanchbhootas" in nature thus making the way which can help to enhance health, wealth, prosperity and happiness in an enlightened environment.

What is Vastu Shastra?

  • Our Yogi’s and holy sages knew the secrets of including the five elements of this universe and their benefits like the magnetic field, gravitational effect etc. of Earth, the galaxy in the sky, the directions and velocity and effect of the winds, correct amount of light and heat of the SUN which included the effects of Ultra-Violet and Infra-Red rays, the effect and intensity of rainfall etc.
  • This art form believes that mankind should extensively benefit from the correct planning and construction of buildings be it for home, prayer, entertainment, education system, working, overall production and other purposes.
  • To succeed they developed scientific methods and systems and confined them over the years as 'VAASTU SHASTRA'. We need to give complete credit to our ancient sages who designed and searched for us; we are only taking it further and researching it and building it for maximum impacts.
  • As per the Vastu belief, the world is consist of five basic elements, which is popularly known as the Paanchbhootas, which are Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Space. It is believed that out of the nine planets, our planet Earth only has life because of the presence of these five elements.
  • Out of the five elements mentioned, Earth and Water have limited and localized accessibility for the human environment and growth. Both these form are the apparent and fundamental choices in the location and the physical form of architecture and habitat. Out of all sun, Air and Space are universally available and can be molded to human needs by the act of design.
What is Vastu Shastra and its principles, know the science behind the designing and building. Vaastu Shastra can help you make your home and office better.

How Do The Five Elements Affect Us?

  1. It is the reality and a fact that all the above mentioned five elements are essential to sustain life on this planet. It is confirmed after many studies that there is an invisible and constant interaction between these elements. If we put all these elements in an open field these elements work freely and maintain an equilibrium.
  2. However, when any structure is placed in this field, this equilibrium gets affected as these elements act for or against each other to create either harmony or disharmony. So if there is disharmony, then Vastu principle needs to create a method in which the energy flows symphonically, making our lives happy and well-balanced.
  3. Vaastu teaches us to understand the effectiveness of the five elements and use them to our advantage. Here Vaastu helps us in creating a balanced and harmonious environment to live in.